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Egg production part 1/2 - How to realize the genetic potential – Focus on the importance of rearing

The aim of every egg producer is to achieve optimum, top quality eggs.

But what do you need to consider in order to reach the genetic potential?

The rearing period, in particular, is often underestimated. Learn which aspects are most important for good persistency. Why is it important to flatten the egg weight curve? What improvements in genetics have been developed over the last century?
In this episode, Teun van de Braak, from Hendrix Genetics Layers, will give us deeper insights in the world of layer genetics. Hendrix Genetics is the breeding company behind many laying chicken breeds, such as the ISA brown & Dekalb White.
After his Master’s in Animal Breeding and Genetics in Wageningen, he worked as a geneticist for 8 years and, for the last 4 years, he has been a product manager. He will give us deeper knowledge about chicken breeding and layer genetics.

Our next episode will be released on the 21st of April.
Stay tuned!